Tuesday, November 12, 2019

I'm growing up with any kind of friends, those who real friends and those who are just kind of.
Little me was struggling to have friends, it might be me or I was just surrounded by many little assholes XD.
But the good thing from their existence is that I learn to lean on my self.
I used to be alone because of my friend mad at me with no reasons (this happened in elementary school, several times)
In middle school, I choose to leave my friend because I felt unappreciated and she only values me by her dad's money. She loved to talk shit about me in front of many people like I was the shit.
And that control freak friend who always had something to say about things I like, talk down about it as if what she liked was the coolest.
You might see things above as minor things but it definitely reshapes my point of view about friends and how much I need friends in my life.
I'm growing up with a smaller and smaller circle, very selective with people who should stay in my life, whom who deserve to know my untold story and on.

I do cut certain people who drain me, even my family members. I always set a boundary, when someone who doesn't worth it crossing it that she/he out of my life.

Hmm, you might judge me so arrogant (and that's okay) but the cost to recover from the toxic relationships with people is so much. sooooo much. =))))

Thankfully, my decision to move to another city is right. I'm so happy that finally, I can be myself and totally in charge of my life.

That's why I always encourage my friends to cut things that make them miserable. Coz everyone deserves to be happy and to be the best version of themselves.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

don't tell Tirta this.
He is the one who makes my brain and heart say yes.